I ALWAYS spend halloween with my godboys. For the past eleven years I spent this night dressing up... following little boys around gathering candies... and then partying with my cousin snapping pictures for the rest of the night.
FUCK... I miss them today and it's making me quite cranky! Maybe if I swing by and see my little niece it will brighten up this day a bit!
This is the "troll mask". I'm not sure when it showed up on the scene but it has been bouncing around for years. I think Ronaye has it right now but it wouldn't surprize me if it jumped out of my closet one day. Seeing the mask makes me laugh cause I remember Jordan's first halloween (or maybe second) where the mask came out and that kid HATED the troll mask! Jordie would run at you screaming and rip the mask right off of your head... too, too funny!
And here are my boys at halloween last year! I guess this year Jordan is going as a skelleton and my little pre-teen Avery is going as a bum. Avery is going out with his friends and Jordan's dad is in town and is going to go out with him to collect his loot... I really wish I could teleport in for the night... but I can't!
Ren promised me pictures so as soon as she gets her blog updated or sends me some pics I will share!
So I had the best visitors in the world this weekend :)
One of my best friends from college, Geoff came up from Texas this weekend with his beautiful new wife Monique. He went up to Red Deer to visit with his parents first and my other best friend from college Wayne met up with him in Red Deer and joined up for the trip!
Geoff is actually Kelly's cousin (I actually met Kelly thru Geoff... he's his OLD cousin... lol) so the crew arrived on Saturday at about 2pm, we headed out for a beer and then over to Kelly's to visit with him and the kids.
Kids looked great and were full of energy, we ordered pizza... and Kelly was a really great host :)
It's was a really fun time with everyone all in the same place hanging out for the night.
It's too bad there are not more of those in life... but manybe if Geoff get's his butt back to Canada there will be!
Everyone stayed over... I gave Geoff and Monique my bed, Wayne was SOOOO lucky cause I gave him the couch and I pulled out the sleeping bag and camped out on the floor of my spare bedroom :)
But it was 100% totally worth it to have everyone over and to hang out with everyone so anytime any of you need a place to crash just let me know :)
Okay I know that it has been a ridiculously long time since I've updated...
I didn't mean to leave it so long but my computer was broke... then I fixed it and finally got my pictures from Europe downloaded... then the computer broke again! I could have probably updated from work but I didn't cause I guess I just didn't have much to say...
I've got myself set up now with a new computer and promise to try to update more often :) My new computer is pretty cool. I got myself an HP Pavilion m7580n. The coolest thing about it is that it has a tv tuner with video in and out so it's going to make a lot of my video editing projects much easier and I can now record all of my tv programs thru the computer. This is especially nice since my vcr has been broken for about five months and I've been missing MANY programs. It works like tevo so I can pause or rewind live shows while I am watching them and it has a built in TV guide as well. The shittiest is that it records the shows in microsoft file type that makes each show like 5gigs so it eats up memory pretty quick until you watch and delete them. I have 300gigs on the computer and bought an extra 300gig external drive to backup my broken computer so with 600gigs of memory I should be okay for awhile ")
I have also been trying to go thru all my stuff and do a good clean out of all the old stuff I really don't need anymore. I am going to rent out my house for a year so I can save up a good chunk of money to get myself a new car and maybe some new furniture. My Uncle was at my parents for the last few years in the second bedroom in their basement and he just moved back to Holland. It's a really nice opportunity to get ahead and it'll be really nice to come home and have someone there... cause it can be lonely living all alone sometimes. I am more concerned about who I rent my place to than I am about when I actually make the move so that will probably happen in the next few months but who knows when. The biggest problem with the plan is that I have ALOT of stuff that there really isn't a lot of room at my mom's for so I really have to clean out my storage room and downsize. I have my old '93 Buick Century for sale as well for $900 cause it has basically been parked for the last year and I probably won't been using it again... I can't even count the times I have done this and had two cars at the same time! One person really only needs one car! At first I thought I would keep it so that if my Sentra broke down I could have a back up car... but really if my Sentra doesn't die soon by the time it does the Buick will be rusted and not running anymore as well. I WILL however been very unimpressed if the Sentra dies right after I finally sell the Buick!
Congratulations on the new kitty Jenna! I heard that you had finally gotten yourself a little kitten and I would love to come by and meet the new little guy sometime soon!
Other than that I have been working tons getting my volunteers out into the schools since the students are all back in class and I'm back at cadets again on Tuesday nights so things are busy as usual. I promise to have new pictures and a new update soon! :)