Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

New Beginnings

Today kind of feels like a day of new beginnings...

I began a new training group today so I start 2pm-10pm shifts for the next four weeks. It seems like a really good group, everyone was chatting with each other by the end of the night which is always a good sign. I only have one guy in the group however, which is kind of a bummer.

I also talked to the rest of the counsellors who I haven't heard from regarding me switching the training night to Monday night instead of Tuesday for the next year and I got the okay which means... I can volunteer with the Cadets starting August after I am done with this training group. I am a bit anxious about getting back into that but also really quite excited. It will be a nice change. I was talking to my sister a bit about it the other night and I kind of feel like I'm missing losing touch with a lot of who I used to be and who I identify myself to be. I used to be more exciting, I used to go camping in the middle of the winter, put up and attempt obstacle courses, go flying and gliding, rock climb & rappel back down. I know I would probably die if I jumped back into doing all of that but if I am around it and the opportunities are there I will do these things again and be healthy and flexible enough to do so. As I said... kind of scary and kind of exciting, regarless I'm glad to be going in that direction.
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