Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Monday, July 19, 2004

I spent most of my day off cleaning up the house. I let it get pretty messy over the last month so it proved to be quite a task.
I did not clean non stop... I ended up cleaning up a bit and then playing on the computer, then cleaning for a bit more, and then watching t.v.
I did end up drinking the rest of my case of beer throughout the day but I didn't get around to sitting on the deck!
I am pretty glad that I got the whole upstairs cleaned up, the diskes done, the floor mopped, the carpet vacuumed, and all of the laundry done. I am starting a new training group at work tomorrow night so my schedule will be going back to 2pm-10pm for awhile.
Maybe I will sit on the deck tomorrow :)
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