Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Another Long Crappy Day

Today started really crappy and ended really crappy! Luckily there were a few laughs inbetween!
I woke up this morning tired and not wishing to be up yet... but I got up and I kind of wish I never did, I should have gone back to bed!
It is the first day that I have to go visit Oliver Twist who is my friends cat and feed it and give it his diabetic shot. I COULD NOT find my keys this morning. I searched around for half an hour frantically and got more anxious as each second ticked by because I was now half an hour late and still had to go feed the cat... I finally found them under the kitchen table under some other stuff, they must have fell off the back of the table who knows!
So I frantically rush over to see Oliver and realize that I don't have the instructions from Shiela (my friend) and I can't remember the dose so I run back home and get the note cause I wouldn't want to give him the wrong dose! I rush back over, find Oliver (who is not to be seen now that he has eaten) and gave him his shot!   

Work was hectic, I had two interviews and had to be done at 4:30 to get a cab to go and volunteer as in "pin sales" for work. It was a party for the Investor's Group at Fort Calgary and they sponsor on of our events so we were helping them out. This is where I got my laugh of the day. It was a pretty good time... and then it began to POUR!


This is my drive home on Crowchild Trail. It was crazy and my engine was underwater so I almost stalled a few times. If I would have that would have been the end of me! It didn't even stop there. This is the corner of 90th Ave and 24th Street SW across from Glenmore Landing, I am driving into Glenmore Landing looking at the intersection...

So after over an hour driving through lakes (in Calgary???) to get home I stopped to feed Oliver and give him another shot. I took a close look at the syringe and realize that I had given him WAY too much this morning. The second dark line was 10 not 2, all that work and I did end up giving him the wrong dose. I didn't know what to do so I fed him without giving him a shot and looked for a phone book. I couldn't find one so I came home and called the Vet. They suggested that I bring him to the emergency clinic so I did. He is looking okay but his levels are low so they are keeping him overnight. It is now 3:06am (but I am gonna post this as 11:59 so I don't miss out on my Thursday post) I feel soooo bad and this little mistake is going to cost me at least $100. It sucks. This whole day sucks! I really should have stayed in bed :(

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