Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Today... In Facebook Updates

So I have become a bit of a facebook addict lately... especially since I have been in my office with not a ton of "need to get done right now" work lately. I have the regular month end and year wrap up stuff to do but since the school presentations have been slowing down and came to a halt on Monday I have been feeling like I need some kind of "project" or something a bit out of the mundane to motivate me and get me going. I've been asking for a "creative, challenging project - but not just everyone's crap work that they don't want to do" for about a week now and it made me laugh when I read through my updates from today... they pretty much say it all :)

This was my day on facebook:

I was supposed to go to this CANN meeting way up North of 36th Ave in the NE this morning from 9-11am. I got to 90th Ave and 14th Street SW at 8:20 this morning and at 9:15 I called work and told them I was just coming there since I was JUST getting to Glenmore!!!

FACEBOOK UPDATE: Sasha is at work after trying to fight traffic and missing her meeting this morning... now looking for a creative project to do so she doesnt get bored today! 10:39am

I read my emails, went for a visit and smoke with Robyn, then with Irwin, talked to Joan, looked for Blair, checked my email's, checked my facebook again and:

FACEBOOK UPDATE: Sasha is at work but has not found a project... 12:34pm

I emailed my volunteers, called and spoke to a few of them, printed off mileage sheets, then went for a tour of the office and found THIS...

I have no idea where it came from but we pretty much have this exact hat it our crisis call centre phone room. It's been there for a while and in my wanders around the centre today I found it and decided that since I was was not too busy I would be the FIRE WARDEN!

My HR manager told me that I looked ridiculous in the hat, and then came back an hour later and asked why exactly I was wearing the hat... I told her "because I have some time and am looking for a creative, challenging project so today I am the fire marshall and I think that maybe we should get a red fire marshall shirt to go with the hat". A few other people were commenting on my new role and we tried to take a picture but the camera batteries were charging. They asked what exactly I planned to do in my new role as fire warden, so I went back to my office to think about that for a bit and to check my facebook (the addiction remember-90% of our staff is also on facebook).

FACEBOOK UPDATE: Sasha is obviously the fire warden today... which is why she is wearing the fire warden hat (told you I needed a project!). 1:49pm

I did a bit more mundane just get it done work in my office, Trish came and told me that I could do some shredding if I was bored and I told her that was just crap work and I would only do it if I could make it a controlled fire.

Someone said something about the fire extinguishers and it not being a controlled fire and I decided that as fire warden I should see where our fire extinguishers were and see when they expired. I was at the very first one and Paul "the manager" came out and told me that regardless of whether I was wearing the fire warden hat or not I was not allowed to play with the fire extinguishers...

FACEBOOK UPDATE: Sasha is not allowed to play with the fire extingisher in the office... regardless of whether she is wearing the fire warden hat or not :( 4:24pm

I was going to go and do some work for an hour and kill the rest of the day before cadets but I went to check if I had mail (I never do and it is SO SAD!) and I ran into Nav in the hallway... the moving dolly was right there so I told Nav to jump on and I would see if I could "dolly" him down the hall. I totally could have but he didn't trust me and he kept correcting his weight and pushing backwards which made it impossible... we had bad timing because it was on the hour 5:00 when all the counselling appointments start/end and clients started coming out of the office so we scooted back into the file room with the dolly but not before the program director spotted us.

She came and asked me if I was bored so I told her yes and that I needed a creative, challenging project to keep me busy since it was summer... she gave me a pretty cool little project to work on so I should be busy with that for the next week or two! :)

FACEBOOK UPDATE: Sasha is happy because after the "fire extinguisher" fiasco she got a creative challenging project! 11:02pm

  • The Freeman Forum
  • Payten's Place
  • The Kimbells
  • Texan Jack
  • Trashman
  • Angi and The Boys
  • 63 Days
  • Jeanette
  • Dooce