Bush Bombed WTC
I have believed for quite a while that government officials in the United States planned and executed the bombing of the world trade centre in order to gain power over their citizens... power that they would never have been able to achieve without hiding behind the veil of fear and of terror.
They wanted to be able to create a police state, to make "big brother" a reality... and sadly I think that they are terrifyingly close to their goal. A point is made in the article that everyday we see news stories about Charlie Sheen's personal life but very little has been said about these "proposterous" allegations he has made against the president of the USA... kind of makes me wonder why everyone is so scared to write about or mention this story...
"...we contacted the Hollywood Reporter and spoke to a polite individual who said that he did consider the Sheen story to be newsworthy and that he had flagged it up for a potential piece, but that he was later told by someone in a higher office that there was to be no story and it seemed unusual."
Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.
"I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball."
"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"
Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official version of events from day one.
Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 1100 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.
Regarding building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, Sheen highlighted the use of the term "pull," a demolition industry term for pulling the outer walls of the building towards the center in an implosion, as was used by Larry Silverstein in a September 2002 PBS documentary when he said that the decision to "pull" building 7 was made before its collapse.
This technique ensures the building collapses in its own footprint and can clearly be seen during the collapse of building 7 with the classic 'crimp' being visible.
I don't know... sounds a little suspicious to me!
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