Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Big Orange Pylon

I was trying to drive to a course last week but there was construction EVERYWHERE! Every route I tried was blocked and it left me very frustrated trying to find a way thru, a shortcut, just a way to get where I needed to get to. I didn't find my shortcut... I tried a few new routes, and stressed out a lot about having to walk in late... but every way I turned I was forced to creep along in my car...

I finally got to where I was going about fifteen minutes late... I saw my friend Erin and exclaimed "Holy Shit! It's like God just stuck a big orange pylon in front of my life today!". I was the second last to arrive. As luck would have it the instructor showed up an hour late so in the end my being fifteen minutes late didn't really matter.

My family had a huge orange pylon suddenly appear in front of our lives as well this week. My sister and her husband went for their second ultrasound on Tuesday morning and found out that they are probably carrying a beautiful baby girl (I guess the tech would not say for sure but said that it looks like a girl!). I'm pretty sure that my sister has been hoping for a girl so that was really great news, she called my mom who has been dying to find out the sex and they went out to buy some new pink clothing...

At the same time that I was fighting traffic on Wednesday morning, my sister got a call from the doctor... they need her to come in and take some more tests on Monday... there may be some complications... they think that the baby's spinal fluid is not draining properly... they think that it may be hydroceophalus. More tests are needed before we will know for sure what we are dealing with... I was not home until very late on Wednesday and Thursday so I got the news when I got home on friday evening.

It's been a really emotional weekend for all of us. I get upset when I see and hear how worried and upset my sister, my brother in law, and my parents are. It just doesn't seem right or fair for this big obstacle to be placed in front of this pregnancy. Everyone has been so excited, the first grandchild on both side... they have been so careful to do everything right... everyone is so excited... and now so worried, still excited, but worried about what this might be, where this new route may take them... hopefully they will find themselves exactly where they are supposed to be, and in the end the obstacle, while frustrating, will not have mattered and they will be exactly where they are supposed to be.

It has been really hard for Genitta and Tavis to have to wait until monday to get more testing done and to find out what is going on with their baby. Please take some time to send them prayers and good wishes. The three of them would really appreciate any love and thoughts that you can send.
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