Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Friday, August 19, 2005

Calaway Park

I headed back to work today and it was a great day to be returning since Wellness Committee decided to treat us to a day at Calaway Park.

We started out the afternoon with a free meal. I chose the sub meal as did more than half of the staff and it ended up being the worst out of all the choices!

After we were done with lunch me and Carolynn snuck off to find the "designated smoking area" that was located behind a tree beside this bench. I don't think we ever would have found it if not for the lady sitting on the bench smoking...

When we were done with that we met back up with the group and hit the rides!

Natalie, Jessica, Claudia and Natalija headed for the big boat...

Me and Erin decided to just watch (didn't think our stomachs could take the boat)... Jessica trusted me to hold her pop and I in turn trusted Erin... it was a bad choice cause she dumped it on the ground!

Suzanne and Joan were the first to be brave enough to attempt the whip around thingy ride...

While the rest of us waited... enjoyed the sun... and enjoyed the action...

And not too long after Erin and Jessica were on trying out the same ride!

The group broke apart for awhile then while a bunch of us headed over to the insanely long log ride lineup and the others headed over to a few other rides including the bumper cars (I can't believe I missed out on bumper cars)

It was the longest lineup but after about an hour we broke thru and enjoyed our two minute ride!

It left us soaked but it was well worth the wait!

I headed home afterwards but could not find my car in the parking lot for like almost an hour... I couldn't figure out if I had gone crazy or if it had been stolen... I finally found it but it was very frustrating (lots of trucks and RV's in lot were blocking my view!)
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