Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I have to say that while I was devestated about losing all my money this weekend I was delighted at the comments that kept on popping up on the blog... many names of those I know pop by to check out the blog now and then... and names of people I read daily and I had no idea checked out my blog as well!

Heroine Girl... it was wonderful to see your post... love your site! (if anyone hasn't already see it go check it out it's worth it!)

Genitta... Thanks... I am feeling a bit better, or I've at least come to terms with the fact that there is nothing I can do about it now so it's no worth getting to upset about it :(

Jenna... Happy New Year! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages since I've been working days! Thanks for the chins up... and for the comments on the last few posts... it always makes me smile when I see your comments and am glad that I can at least provide a bit of entertainment for you on the night shift :)

Nav and Josh... Thanks for being my dedicated daily readers and for ocassionally leaving a comment (even though you didn't on the last post), and congratulations on the 211 launch!.

Jay... I was walking by my co-worker's computer the other day and recognized your blog up on his computer... you're like a new lunch room topic... "have you checked on Jay today??? what is he up to??? how is Jas and the babies???"... you're like famous so it's real bragging right to be able to say I have a comment from YOU on the blog!

Cuz... I have so already gone to "bank security"... I had a fraud report started and a police report done with in an hour of when I figured it out... it's still my own damb fault for leaving the card in so I'll probably have to eat this one.

Jack... You are my favorite and I was so happy to see your comment! Thanks for the support... chances are kind of slim that they'll get him because all they can go on is the camera at the drive thru bank machine and I'm not even sure if his plates would be showing since it was snowing heavy Friday night and lots of times the snow burries the license plate. Would be nice if they did though!!!

Terry... Inky... Catt... and all the Anonymous... welcome and thanks for taking the time to comment! It's always nice to hear from those who pop by... I really need to be leaving more comments myself!

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