Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Sunday, July 04, 2004

I Believe In Angels...

I believe in angels... I really do and I see my beliefs re-enforced everyday.

I noticed them in my life this weekend. I decided on the spur of the moment on my drive to work on Friday that I wanted a digital camera. I really need one for this blog so that I can have pictures of my life with out having to run around borrowing others digital camera's.

As I mentioned in earlier posts I have been working relief shifts lately and had an extra $320 on my cheque so I decided that I could spend about $300. I really like my camera at work which is a Kodak DX6340 so I decided to try to get one like that without the docking station. I found it at future shop for $350 and decided that I could stretch the extra $50 cause I really like the camera. I found a distributor list on the page so decided to call around and check prices/availability. Future shop on McLeod Trail had a few, and Staples downtown had it on clearance price for $280 and the guy said it was 40% off. I was so excited that I found it for under $300 so I ran down to get one. When I got there I couldn't believe it. There were 3 left (employee had one of those on hold) and the camera was 40% off the $280!!!! I got the camera for $168 and got a waterproof, nice case that was $25 on 75% off that cost me $6. Today I went to future shop and found a 256MB memory card that was $120 on sale for $80 and I was going to find a rechargeable battery that I could charge on the docking station at work for $30 but instead found a NiMH 4 battery charger and 4 batteries (the camera takes two) for $40!!!

On the way home I was doing a bit of the math for my camera this weekend and here it is...

Original costs: $350 camera, $25 bag, $120 card, & $30 battery = $525
Actual costs: $168, $6 bag, $80 card, & $40 (double) batteries = $294

It is funny how when you are doing what you are meant to be doing everything just seems to work out some how and when you are not where you are supposed to be you keep on ending up hitting brick walls!

I believe in angels...They helped me find everything I needed to this weekend for under $300...
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