Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday in Cochrane

This week was exam week for most Calgary Board of Education high schools so it meant a really slow week at work for me. I took some time and cleaned my office... then I took a picture because my office very rarely looks this tidy!

I ended up taking Wednesday and Thursday off since I had caught up on pretty much all of my work and on Friday I headed out to Cochrane with the rest of the volunteer team for a Volunteer Sector training event!

The classes were... alright... but the highlight of the day was the final group activity where we were tasked to build a bridge to drive a remote control car over. Nav was chosen as the driver for our team and was diligently practising for the big event.

Bonny, Michelle and myself were all put on a special projects team where we created a banner for the opening ceremony for our "Bridge to Success". I was given the special task of leading the group in Oh' Canada at the beginning of the ceremony!

The bridge was finally constucted and we were all ready for the fun to begin. It was a lot of pressure for Nav and I think he had a bit of performance anxiety!

It may have been nerves or it may be that he had to much coffee to drink earlier but the poor car did not make it to the end of the bridge... in fact it took a nose dive off the bridge and landed at my feet :(

A tragic end to our day but a really fun day none the less!
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