Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Friday, June 23, 2006

What a Day

What a morning I had!

I really wanted to get Jaike and Ben to the vet before I go on holidays just to make sure that they are all up to date and that everythings good with them etc. so I made an appointment for this morning.

I think Jaike knew since last night what was up since the cat carriers popped up out of no where . Ben hasn't been in the carrier since he was a baby so it was no problem getting him in one but Jaike was a totally different story.

Jaike is healthy as a horse as usual but he was due for all his shots so he got the full meal deal with rabies and everything. Ben got really sick as a kitten when he got vaccinated so we decided to just give him a small dose of the necessities since I am planning on keeping his indoors anyways.

Then came the REAL kicker! Maxx had a heart murmer which is ultimately what did him in so young. My vet Dr. Pytka figures he probably got a blood clot which caused him to go into cardiac arrest. Before Maxx I had a kitten named Chadd that also had a heart murmur and had a heart attack and died on the front lawn before he was a year old... well I guess my baby Benji had a damb heart murmur as well! What the hell is with me and this weak hearted cat karma! I asked what I could possibly do to be preventative and I am going to give him 20mg (a quarter of a tablet) of baby asprin once a week. I've also decided that the lucky little guy gets to keep his balls since going under anesthetic can be hard on the heart and he is an indoor cat except if he's on his leash, and he aint getting any if he's on his leash.

I got home and let the cats out of their carriers, turned around and noticed PUDDLES of cat piss all over the kitchen floor. I grabbed a towel, wet another towel and rubbed down Ben, then realized that the piss had been draining out of Jaike's carrier not Ben's and went to track him down. Well he was drenched and smelt BAD! I toweled him down and then went to deal the the stupid floor. The last thing I need is for the smell to set into the floor and have the cats pissing on it for the next ten years! I grabbed some lysol kitchen cleaner and sprayed it down, then mopped. I guess the kitchen cleaner is not for floors cause now the floor is pretty sticky but hopefully not smelly!

Like I said what a day!
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