Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Things Are Looking Up!

I got great news today! I get to move back into the Public Education Coordinator position on September 1st.

This means a couple of really great things!

1. I get my parking spot back which ultimately means that I can stop parking illegally at the Staples down the street or getting in shit for sneaking into volunteers parking.

2. I will be driving around the city and getting out of the office a lot more! This means a nice mileage check each month which is really going to help out... I am planning to use money from my mileage check to pay back my sister for the car she just sold me.

3. I get to work with my own team of volunteers and basically run my own department... this will be a really nice change and give me more control over my work etc.

There are more benefits to this but I would say these are the main ones... I am really looking forward to the extra money since I have been beyond broke for a while now and was really starting to think that I was going to have to get a better paying job in order to survive without losing my home...

I started at the Distress Centre as a volunteer in the Public Education Program and was the Acting Public Education Coordinator for a few months when I was first employed at the D.C. so I know what the position entails and about the work that I will be doing. When I moved into the Training Coordinator position I was really happy for the change since I had been working in "addictions" for a few years and was pretty much sick of talking about drugs... but I have been missing the addiction work lately and really would like to get back to it. I also think that I have learned tons in the past year and a half about volunteer management and believe that the experience will help me out a lot on the Public Education side.

So basically I am really happy and excited for the change... wish me luck!
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