Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sick Days

My sister was just here complaining about the blog never getting updated so I thought I'd better get on here and put an update.

I've took a couple of sick days at the beginning of this week... I woke up on Monday, the weather was horrible, I was exhasted and my immunity was down. I was very stuffed up, burnt out, depressed and feeling like crap. Training began Monday but I knew that my supervisor Katie was doing the training and although it is super hectic and not so fun to be the only one running a training session that she would be totally ok to run it alone so I called in sick and hibernated for two days!

I driving into work on Wednesday and I was thinking about how everyone was going to be asking how I was feeling. It's kind of like after a christmas and everyone asks you how the holiday was and what you got etc... the intention is great but how many times can you say "it was nice we had some turkey..." or "oh much better, thank you..." in one day. It's kind of the formality and I know I do it too when a co-worker has been away sick but really why do we do this? Do we really care and do we we want to know the details of this persons present health... usually not. I do not want to talk about the snot clogging up my sinuses or my irregular bowl movements or how sore my nostrils are after wiping my nose for three days... and I know that you do not want to know... so really why ask... It's kind of a funny ritual.

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