Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Saturday, September 11, 2004


September 11th 2004... three years ago the world watched televisions in shock and we all cried as the two towers fell. It was unreal and yet so real at the same time. This year I learned about a few of the heroes we lost on this earth that day. Through other posts I learned about and met Joe Hunter who is famous for walking into the towers and into the dangers that awaited... he never walked out. It is an important day... I remember the tragedy of that day, rememeber walking into AADAC to work and watching the tv in the meeting room all day to see the news. I remember my co-worker Allison coming into the office and saying that she was downtown, looked up, and was sure she was seeing a plane flying into one of our tall buildings downtown, that is when she decided that it wasn't healthy for her to watch anymore. I also remember the unbelieveable kindness over the next days and month. People came out of every corner offering whatever they could to help. It was a crazy day... but an important day... I am glad I am here to remember.
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