Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Monday, August 02, 2004

A little bit more about me...

I have noticed that I am getting quite a few new readers from all over North America. When I started my blog I did it to keep my family and friends up to date... they know me quite well so I didn't feel the need to introduce myself, who and I, and what I do for them. >

I work at the Distress Centre in Calgary where I have been referred to in the past as Sasha the Trainer... I just had to repeat that because it kind of makes me laugh... it sounds so official. My actual title is "Training Coordinator", where it is my job to recruit and train all new crisis line volunteers at the centre. We have about seven new training groups a year that can consist of anywhere between fifteen to thirty people between the ages of sixteen to ninety.

The training that our new volunteers goes through is quite extensive. Most of our calls deal with relationship issues and mental health issues. The volunteers are trained in crisis intervention skills and learn to do complete risk assessments. The calls are all over the board, on a single shift you may be talking to a lonely person about what they could possibly do with their day, take information regarding suspected child abuse, and then send rescue for a suicide attempt... you can never predict what the next call will bring.

My volunteers are the most amazing people in the city. They come from all over the place, every age group, culture, and religion under the sky... what they have in common is the desire to help and make this world a little bit better. They are all very committed, as we ask our volunteers to come in for a minimum five hour shift at least once a week.

I know alot of them struggle to fit this into their schedule but they are always there... usually with a smile! I am really fortunate to be able to be surrounded by these people everyday and often wonder how I ever found myself here... doing this!. I have had many careers and adventures so far in life (which is the subject for another day) but I find this new adventure to be quite amazing.

So I sit here at my desk everyday and I train the people who come everyday and make a difference in others lives everyday. I do spend a bit my time every week directly on the lines helping others, but for the most time I am behind the scenes helping the true helpers out there. If only by initially training them I hope that what I do can make a difference down the road.

And at the end of the day I come home and play on the computer... That's about it... That's me!

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