Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Just One Of The Many Jobs I've Had

I worked at this Gold Video a few years back. I can't remember exactly when but it was when I was in high school and still living at my parents so I must have been about fifteen or sixteen. It was not my first part time job but it was pretty early in my "working life" and it was definitely the closest job I have ever had to home. I could walk to work although I don't remember doing so very often. I remember a few things from Gold's... it was a great job because it was really quiet and I got to watch movies while I worked. I always made a point of watching movies that I had already seem so it wasn't too much of an inconvenience if I did have to look away and check movies out for a customer. I remember watching Beaches a hell of a lot, Always and Top Gun were also two of my favorites. I ended up working for Gold's for about three years at two different locations and eventually moved to "More Than Video" on Elbow Drive... that would be the end of my Video Store Career.

Gold Video did come up a few years later when I saw a news article in the Calgary Herald about a murder that had occured in the city. I'm pretty sure that the man that had been murdered was my old boss, an oriental family man who was the owner of Gold Video, I can't remember all the details but the name was the same, the man in the picture looked very familiar and it mentioned that the man's daughter was a talented pianist or something like that which I knew was the same as this gentleman I worked for at Gold's. I felt really bad for the family because they were a very sweet little family. The article never really said WHY the man had been murdered.

I walked past Gold Video this morning and shot this picture. It really surprises me that it is still up and running (although they seem to have a cleaning service attached now as well - strange) and everytime I see it I wonder whatever happened to that little family...
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