Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Saturday, December 04, 2004

I Hate Me Somedays

So I lost my camera.... it is gone forever and I kind of deserve it. I learned a few years ago that me and hard liquor just do not do well together... I pretty sure it's something that runs in the family because my sister is the same. I forgot about that last night and it made for a pretty brutal night.

I went out with Ronaye, Craig, Susan and Simon to the Back Alley last night and for the first time in a long time I was not the driver so I could drink as much as I wanted. I guess I was a bit too excited about that, and there were $1.50 drinks so I overindulged WAY too much. So much in fact thatI do not remember leaving the Back Alley.

So I wake up this morning at 7am in my parents house sleeping in my brother's room (it used to be my room when I lived there), and I have no idea why I was even there... the only thing I can think of is that I forgot that I am thirty now and do not live there. My brother was playing on the computer all night since I stole his room and I don't think he was too happy about it.

I don't think I was walking very well when I was walking from Ronaye's house to my parents either because I am in rough shape with a bleeding cut up knee, huge bruises all up my left side, and a gash in my back... and yet I am saddest about my missing camera.... I loved that camera... I am REALLY going to miss my camera.

I really must have angels because I woke up at 7am somehow and actually made it to work this morning for training... it really would not have been good if I did not show up, and I lost every thing in my purse but somehow my wallet didn't fall out so I have my id and credit cards which would have really sucked to lose.

So yes today I hate me, I really should just be the designated driver or I need to stick to beer.... rum is bad bad bad bad bad. I have been faking being happy and semi-energetic all day for my trainees so I am going to curl up in a ball on the couch now and die!
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