Sasha's Reality Dial On The Net

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hanging With The Janzen's

I used to live in a house with a pool... and the tradition was on May long weekend to fill up the pool and have the first pool party of the year. I was just thinking of the old pool house and of my old roomate Kelly when low and behold I get a message this morning from Kelly claiming he's hanging out by the pool.

I was intrigued so I got up and called him back... sure enough he did get himself a little pool for the backyard and invited me to come visit him and the kids and see the pool :)

I really was expected a dinky little backyard pool but he went all out in Kelly style and got a pretty big one with a pump, net and everything! The Kids even have a boat!

We played a ton of games in the pool, Zak was a great fisherman/water demon and Ceilee really enjoys floating around in the boat.

It was a really nice afternoon. It's been way too long since I've seen the kids and they have grown like weeds. They are both so gorgeous and really great kids to hang with.

I grabbed a slurpee on the way over and ran into the looney store to grab a few toys for the kids. I found some water bombs that were the hit of the day, some magnifying glasses that Kelly used to catch the grass on fire, and some cheap little airplanes that Zak got his hands on right away and assembled pretty much by himself!

The kids really had a great time, and we all ended up pretty red, here is Zak and Ceilee rowing their boat!

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